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Luke Phillips


“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…”

– Teddy Roosevelt


Meet Luke Phillips

Luke Phillips joined Volition Capital in 2023 as an Analyst.

Prior Experience & Education

  • Luke graduated from Notre Dame in 2022 with a bachelor’s in accounting and again in 2023 with a master’s in finance.
  • He ran track all five years and was a leader of the Student-Athlete Advisory Councils at both ND and the Atlantic Coast Conference.
  • He worked at BDO as an Assurance Intern in 2021.


Fun Facts About Luke Phillips

  • Luke is a diehard Chicago sports fan who spends every summer getting hyped up for the Bears, only to be disappointed in the first few weeks of the season.
  • He has massive “travel fever” and spends hours at a time obsessively pouring over maps.
  • Luke can virtually quote all of The Office and Parks & Rec.
  • He has never drunk a cup of coffee in his life and abides by the mantra, “If you’re juiceless, you’re useless.”

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