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What Brought You Together as Co-Founders for Super73?


LeGrand: I’m the LeGrand Crewse co-founder and CEO of Super73.

Michael: And I’m Michael Cannavo, co-founder and CMO of Super73.

LeGrand: So, what brought us together? Well, we had a passion for creating things originally. Back in 2016, we both had different businesses, and they were in, I guess, similar industries in e-bikes for me and a scooter startup for them. But ultimately, we were creators, and so what brought us together was a passion for creating innovative products and solving problems. And yeah, you know, there’s just it’s just magic. 

It was one of those things where we all complemented each other, and we recognized very early that we were going to be we were better together than we were apart, and we could accomplish a lot more. We actually hit it out of the park with the very first project that we all did together and then really just created what we have today.

Michael: And I think that’s what’s so interesting is the thought of just continuing to make no matter what. And you know, Super73 was the first big idea we had, but we’ve been able to use Super73 to, you know, convey more of those ideas and evolve more and continue being creative. And like LeGrand said, the three of us complement ourselves or each other so well that there’s no limit to what we can make.

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