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What Makes Super73 Different from Other E-Bikes?


LeGrand: I’m the LeGrand Crewse co-founder and CEO of Super73.

Michael: And I’m Michael Cannavo, co-founder and CMO of Super73.

LeGrand: So, what makes Super73 different than others in the market, especially now that things have really blown up? You know, I think from the very beginning, we never set out to be just an e-bike company, and I think that is the key. And that’s ultimately why we sound different, look different, and have a completely different product and way that we market everything because, ultimately, it’s a lifestyle, and we consider ourselves a lifestyle brand. 

And what that means specifically is that our products allow you to have this lifestyle. And what is that lifestyle? It’s what we live here in Southern California, you know, again, on the bike blast of the beach, you know, go run an errand, you know, being outdoors, interacting with your neighborhood and your surroundings. And so ultimately, like that, that’s it. And so that is embodied in an e-bike. But ultimately, it feeds everything in there. And so, this is why, again, our products look different and why I think we’ve had just a lot of success compared to others.

Michael: Super73, It’s like a community. It’s this group of people, it’s these creative ideas, it’s this lifestyle. And, you know, not to get too cliche and corny, but it is like Legrand’s had so much more than an e-bike because it allows people to find an identity not only in their community but in their adventures, in their creativity. The customizations of the bikes that these customers do are endless. 

And so you go to this group, ride in every single e-bike there looks different because our customers have taken our bike and put themselves into it. And that’s so important for us. And I think that’s why we really do stand out because we think about the community in that way. It’s not just a product to sell; it’s a community to cater to and to grow and build. And we’ve seen a ton of success because of that.

Click here to visit Super73’s website.

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